5 Tips To Make Your IVF A Success
If you’re looking for IVF success tips, you’ve come to the right place. Not only do we teach how to improve your IVF in The Seed Fertility Program Masterclass (click here for more info), but Seed founder Danica Thornberry, L.Ac. has years of experience working with women and doctors regularly to ensure a patient’s IVF success rate is as high as it can be.
Every little thing that you do can add a few more percentage points to your chance of success. With that in mind, here are 5 tips to help make your IVF cycle a successful one:
1. Schedule an acupuncture treatment for the morning of your embryo transfer: Not only does acupuncture help reduce stress and manage anxiety, one study showed that adding acupuncture to your IVF cycle can almost double your chances of conception.
2. Wear warm socks: Come prepared to your transfer wearing warm socks. This will help your body stay insulated and relaxed before, during and after your transfer.
3. Come prepared with a meditation (and headphones!) to listen to before and during your transfer: Staying calm can be challenging on this very important day, so come prepared with a meditation that was created specifically for your IVF cycle – it will make a tremendous difference in your state of mind. (Looking for a meditation? We created one specifically for you! Find it in our Meditations course).
4. Know that you’ve already done your best: Take a mental inventory. Is there anything you think you should’ve done that you didn’t? The intention here is to guide you to feel complete about your efforts to prepare for this cycle. You can relax when you know you’ve done your best. Breathe into that feeling, and surrender to the present moment.
5. Realize that this is everyday business inside your transfer site: When you arrive at your transfer site, remind yourself — this is the place that creates life every day. Bring your anxiety down a notch by looking at the situation realistically – it’s business as usual for the doctors and staff. Use this thinking and the background noise to guide yourself into a place of fertile confidence. Women get pregnant in this place literally daily. Why can’t one of them be you? Take the emotional charge out a little bit if you can, putting previous losses and cycles behind you – focus on what’s happening right now, today, in this cycle.
Good luck!!
The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We aren’t trying to fill in for your medical doctor here, but we are doing our best to help you increase your chance of becoming a mom. Be sure to consult a medical provider if you’re seeking medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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