The Seed Fertility Program- Our Clinical Research

Explore ourĀ remarkable journey of fertility transformation as we unveil the groundbreaking results from our clinical trial with the Seed Fertility Program. Discover how empowered patients achieved higher success rates, giving hope to those facing unexplained infertility.

In 2019, We Conducted A Pilot Study To Test The Efficacy Of The Seed Fertility Program 

  • 7 Los Angeles fertility doctors
  • 3 fertility centers
  • 10 fertility patients
  • Seed Fertility concepts served as the "Fertility Education" intervention for women with a low egg reserve.
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The Criteria

Each patient (between ages 36-44) had to meet one or more of the following criteria in order to participate in the study:

  • Labeled as "poor responders" in IVF

  • Diminished Ovarian Reserve

  • Premature Ovarian Failure

  • Had at least one previous failed IVF cycle

  • Had been trying to conceive for at least 2 years prior to enrolling in this study

Research Design

Starting with their next menstrual cycle, participants were given information on how to login into The Seed Fertility Clinical Trial website, where they found instructions for a 28-Day fertility intervention to be used in their upcoming IVF, and learned a different mindset for each phase of their IVF protocol.

Key Components of theĀ Fertility Course

Nutritional Aspect

Every day of their next IVF cycle, women were presented with recipes containing "Fertile Foods" from the Seed Fertility intervention. These foods consistently support a balanced mood & balanced reproductive hormones.


An important visual part of the intervention, participants were asked to watch inspirational videos of former Seed students, instructional clips from former live Seed classes, and relevant TED Talks.

Journal Questions

Daily questions and affirmations solidified the learning for the participants and promoted greater awareness of their unconscious (self-defeating) behaviors.


Placed at regular intervals within the IVF cycle, participants used our meditations to maintain calm and to create new neural pathways that involve new possible outcomes.

Fertile Thoughts Inside The Intervention

  • Reframing disappointment
  • Resolving grief
  • Forgiveness
  • Mind expansion
  • Consciousness
  • Creating space for new life
  • Honoring the feminine
  • Creating new thoughts
  • Trusting the process
  • Awareness Exercises

Fertile Foods

Why are these specific foods inside the intervention? They are:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • High in minerals and good fats
  • Hormone Balancing
  • Timed with the cycle
  • Glycemic Balancing

Patient Empowerment

The goal of the intervention was to provide a starting point for the concepts of Fertility Education and "Patient Empowerment", with research that validated what Dr. Thornberry had seen clinically for years.Ā 

Essentially, giving women access to information that makes them feel empowered can improve their outcomes!

More Eggs & Embryos 

The intervention tracked the number of eggs and embryos participants retrieved in their subsequent IVF, and compared those numbers to their most recent IVF attempt.

The Results



participants achieved a measurable increase in the number of mature eggs & embryos


Live births in women who had previously tried to conceive for ~2yrs

Number of mature eggs BEFORE and AFTER Seed Fertility Intervention

The Research Highlights 

Findings From The Seed Fertility Intervention


Improved Quality Of Life 

With the right tools and permission to become empowered, shifts happen!

More Eggs & Embryos 

Statistical relevance, even with multiple variables

More Live Births 

Something changed beyond chance for these patients who had been trying for an average of 2 years

Feel Empowered On Your Fertility Journey: Sign Up For The Seed Program

All the information taught to participants in the clinical interventionĀ is available insideĀ The Seed Fertility Masterclass

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