3 Episodes to Listen to If You Suspect Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a challenging and often painful condition that significantly impacts fertility and quality of life. On "The Babymakers" podcast, sponsored by Seed Fertility and hosted by Dr. Danica Thornberry, we delve into three enlightening episodes that address the complexities of endometriosis in the context of fertility. These episodes feature top specialists and former patients who share cutting-edge medical insights, personal struggles, and success stories. Whether you're seeking solutions for managing endometriosis or looking to enhance your fertility journey, these discussions provide invaluable support and guidance tailored to overcoming this daunting obstacle.

1. How Endo Surgery is Pivotal to Fertility Success with Dr. Larry Orbuch

Receiving a diagnosis of “unexplained” infertility that may include Recurrent Pregnancy Loss can be a heartbreaking, unnerving experience for women/couples who feel ready to have a baby. Oftentimes, these problematic cases are the end result of having endometriosis, an inflammatory condition that affects the pelvic structures and reproductive system.

Expert endometriosis excision surgeon Larry Orbuch joins this episode to explain what endo looks like, why it works against our efforts to conceive, how it impacts other body systems, and how recent advancements in technology have made endometriosis excision surgery more effective than ever.

When endo surgery (laparoscopy) is paired with a holistic approach that may include acupuncture, pelvic floor physical therapy, nutrition and gut health, a woman’s fertility is frequently improved — along with her quality of life.

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 2. "Understanding Chronic Pain Helped Me Get Pregnant"- Former Endo Patient Andrea Wax

This empowering episode tackles four complex taboo subjects that women often deal with in silence until they show up on the fertility journey — vulvadynia, painful sex, thyroid dysfunction and menstrual pain. Getting a diagnosis of endometriosis to address these interconnected conditions requires persistence, patience and perseverance. If you’re struggling with pain or have experienced unexplained miscarriage(s), this episode is for you.

3. Dr. Kelly Baek Explains Underlying Fertility Issues that Affect IVF Outcomes

Answers to many of the most commonly seen issues in fertility from leading fertility specialist Dr Kelly Baek of California Fertility Partners in Los Angeles.

Listen to this episode if you’ve been dealing with Unexplained Infertility, or pregnancy loss. Or if you want to feel more empowered as you begin the IVF journey.


For more enlightening discussions and expert insights into the fertility journey, be sure to follow "The Babymakers" podcast. Join us as we explore the intersection of modern reproductive medicine and holistic fertility modalities. Each episode offers valuable knowledge from renowned fertility experts and inspiring success stories that empower you to navigate your path to parenthood. Whether you're facing fertility challenges or simply interested in the latest reproductive technologies, "The Babymakers" is your essential guide to conceiving healthy babies.

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